"use strict";
/* 2023-06-21:
Chromosphere Thumbnail Feature
Added a thumbnail feature to preview web windows
that are currently in a minimized state.
The thumbnail object will appear
inside a small box next to the minimized web window
//Note: the path to the 'eye' icon is ~/chromosphere/images/ui/icons/eye_2.png
//get web-window object by its id as an argument
//if window exists
//make a clone of the window
//lower the cloned window size (zoom style) by about 50%
//set its display style as none by default
//if it doesn't exist, make a div to contain the thumbnail. otherwise, use the existing one
//insert cloned window object (the thumbnail object) into the container div as innerHTML
//append to the DOM
//set display as true
//set the display of the div container to true
End of Feature Summary
//this function is the starting point of the thumbnail feature.
function start_thumbnails(win_id) {
//if there is currently a thumbnail in the DOM container
//for showing none-cached thumbnails, then remove
//the old one to get a new one.
//Setting it to false doesn't affect it. Setting it back to true.
//setting cached thumbnails global var to false; disbale cached thumbnails.
//2023-07-22: Enable, or disable thumbnails to be cached in the DOM for retrieval.
//otherwise, if disabled, all thumbnails are generated fresh each time a thumbnail is
//shown. See file 'globals.js'
global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails = true;
////global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails = false;
function retrieve_cached_thumbnail_or_new(win_id) {
var thumbnail_id = null;
var thumbnail = null;
var is_expired = null;
thumbnail_id = "copied_node_" + win_id + "_is_cached";
thumbnail = document.getElementById(thumbnail_id);
if (thumbnail !== null) {
////console.log("Thumbnail is cached in the DOM");
is_expired = is_cached_thumbnail_in_DOM_expired(thumbnail.id);
//console.log("Is expired: " + is_expired);
if (is_expired === true) {
if (global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails === true) {
//This is where we place code to grab thumbnail from a cached DOM node.
//The code below is temporarily written to ignore if
//2023-07-21: the code below hides any visible cached thumbnails (global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails === true).
//hide any cached thumbnails
//create and display a fresh thumbnail
else {
return true;
else if (is_expired === false) {
//alert("not expired");
//console.log("Existing thumbnail is NOT yet expired");
//if the global thumbnail variable is set to true, this enables thumbnails to be pulled
//from a collection of thumbnails that are stored in DOM cache.
if (global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails === true) {
//2023-07-22: Scrach that. Disabling caching so every thumbnail is posted from fresh
//2023-07-22: This code runs depending on whether cached DOM thumbnails are
//set to be recreated, or otherwise to be pulled from the DOM cache. If a global variable
//is set to true, then all thumbnails are to be pulled from cache (if they exist yet).
//The code for this is below
//2023-07-22: Code for displaying a cached thumbnail
//hide all single thumbnails
//hide all single thumbnail containers
//get thumbnail (and its parent container) from DOM cache
//display thumbnail
//position visible thumbnail object
////remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002");
////remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
//2023-07-22: This code runs depending on whether cached DOM thumbnails are
//set to be recreated, or otherwise to be pulled from the DOM cache. If a global variable
//is set to null, or false, then all thumbnails are recreated and
//displayed when a thumbnail is to be shown. The code for this is below
return true;
else if (global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails === false || global_thumbnails_enable_cached_thumbnails === null) {
//2023-07-22: This code runs depending on whether cached DOM thumbnails are
//set to be recreated, or otherwise to be pulled from the DOM cache. If a global variable
//is set to null, or false, then all thumbnails are recreated and
//displayed when a thumbnail is to be shown. The code for this is below
return true;
else {
return true;
//this function creates a freshly copied node.
//makes a cloned node of a web window object.
//shrinks cloned item to X zoom size.
//returns object from win_id function argument
function get_fresh_thumbnail(win_id) {
var win = null;
var w_id = null;
w_id = win_id;
win = document.getElementById(w_id);
if (win !== null) {
//console.log("Thumbnail is NOT cached in the DOM");
//console.log("making thumbnail");
//make and display fresh thumbnail
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + w_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002");
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + w_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
return win;
else {
return win;
return win;
//this function checks to see if the top container for
//all thumbnail data exists. It checks to see if the
//individual container for a single thumbnails exists.
//if both exist, continue with creating the thumbnail object.
//It saves the thumbnail outer HTML into a global array, and
//returns the data to a local variable. It empties the single thumbnail
//container of any existing thumbnail object data. It places the new
//outer HTML of a web window inside. It makes the top-most container for
//all thumbnail data, and makes it visible. It sets the thumbnail object to
//display as a cascaded web window, and changes the value of its ID attribute
//to a different value than the original web window. This prevents any conflicts
//between thumbnails and existing web windows, as their ID attribute values are now each set
//to be unique. Disable the element by calling a function that places a blank
//image on top of the thumbnail object to prevent user interaction. See file
//'functions.js' for the function that is being called here. Hide the thumbnail
//object by default. Position the x,y, location of the thumbnail object so that
//it pops up just below a minimized window. If the web window that was cloned
//had any icons highlighted (blue background color) as a result of user
//interaction before being cloned, remove the thumbnail object's highlights
//by removing their background using CSS.
function make_thumbnail(win_id) {
var win = null;
var top_container = null;
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
var thumbnail_HTML = null;
win = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (win !== null) {
top_container = get_all_thumbnails_top_container();
if (top_container !== null) {
single_thumbnail_container = get_single_thumbnail_container();
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
thumbnail_HTML = get_thumbnail_outer_HTML(win_id);
if (thumbnail_HTML !== null) {
//setup the thumbnail and its functionality
create_config_save_show_thumbnail(win_id, thumbnail_HTML); //setup the thumbnail and its functionality
return thumbnail_HTML;
//delete any thumbnail container in the thumbnail's
//container. This ensures that we get a fresh, updated thumbnail
//instead of an old cached copy.
function delete_current_thumbnail_in_container(win_id) {
var thumbnail_id = null;
var thumb = null;
thumbnail_id = "copied_node_" + win_id;
thumb = document.getElementById(thumbnail_id);
if (thumb !== null) {
function get_thumbnail_outer_HTML(win_id) {
var thumbnail_HTML = null;
//get the thumbnail window outerHTML. If it doesn't exist
//in the global array object, then insert it.
thumbnail_HTML = get_and_save_thumbnail_outerHTML(win_id);
return thumbnail_HTML;
//2023-06-24: creating a separate function to do all the work related to
//configuring and displaying thumbnails. This is intended for use with the
//'single_thumbnail_container' thumbnail features.
//Not for use w/ "cached_thumbnails" functionality
function create_config_save_show_thumbnail(win_id, thumbnail_HTML) {
//var is_expired = null;
//var thumbnail_expired = null;
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
var win = null;
//get the container object that holds the thumbnail
single_thumbnail_container = get_single_thumbnail_container();
//remove thumbnail HTML from the thumbnail's container,
//and place data for showing different thumbnail into
//the container.
single_thumbnail_container.innerHTML = "";
single_thumbnail_container.innerHTML = thumbnail_HTML;
//This is a function call which disables the thumbnail from having any ability to
//interact in any way in terms of user interaction.
//See file: 'functions_2.js'
//remove_all_event_listeners_and_event_handlers(document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id));
single_thumbnail_container.style.border = "1px solid rgba(255,0,0,0.00)";
single_thumbnail_container.style.borderRadius = "4px";
//single_thumbnail_container.style.width = parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.offsetWidth) + "px";
//single_thumbnail_container.style.height = (parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.offsetHeight) - parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.scrollTop)) + "px";
//single_thumbnail_container.style.zoom = 0.334;
////show_thumbnail_window_as_cascaded("copied_node_" + win_id);
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002");
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
//2023-06-25: This function places the newly made thumbnail into
//the DOM cache so it can quickly load when accessed in the future
save_thumbnail_to_dom("copied_node_" + win_id, thumbnail_HTML);
//2023-06-25: Remember to move this call to a location that is
//This function call doesn't belong here. This function only checks for the
//existence of thumbnails that are cached inside the DOM. It won't work
//for thumbnails in the 'single_thumbnail_container' object.
////thumbnail_expired = is_thumbnail_expired(win_id);
////console.log("Expired: " + thumbnail_expired);
//This sets the cache expiration date on thumbnails that are generated by the
//'single_thumbnail_container' object. Not for DOM cached thumbnails.
set_thumbnail_cache_expiration_date("copied_node_" + win_id, 0);
//if the code editors are present in the window, then
//upon minimizing them, their maximum and minimum width
//and height are constrained. the following code removes
//any width and height restraints on the thumbnail window.
win = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id);
if (win !== null) {
win.style.maxHeight = "unset";
win.style.minHeight = "unset";
win.style.maxWidth = "unset";
win.style.minWidth = "unset";
//When the thumbnail window appears, display it as cascaded.
//Currently, I'm fixing a bug that displays thumbnail objects
//correctly, and placing this function to occur upon display
//of thumbnail. It appears to work fine as of now.
show_thumbnail_window_as_cascaded("copied_node_" + win_id);
//2023-08-20: Call the function that hides the scrollbars of an object.
//In this case, we're hiding scrollbars on thumbnail objects
hide_scrollbars(("copied_node_" + win_id + "_contents_container"));
//sets an attribute to the window object indicating that it is a thumbnail object.
//see file 'thumbnail_functions.js'.
if (is_object_thumbnail_window(win_id) !== "true" && is_object_thumbnail_window(win_id) !== true) {
//a function that is made to shrink iframe content within a thumbnail.
////shrink_any_window_content_iframes("copied_node_" + win_id);
//2023-07-20: Hide all thumbnails, new or cached. Display newly loaded thumbnail.
//alert("Expired: " + is_thumbnail_expired(win_id));
//2023-06-24: Keep this, as it may be used later.
//check to see if thumbnail stored in cache needs
//to be refreshed with an up to date thumbnail.
is_expired = thumbnail_is_expired(win_id);
if (is_expired !== true && is_expired !== false) {
else if (is_expired === false) {
else if (is_expired === true) {
else {
//if the code editor is present in the THUMBNAIL window,
//then show the code editor, and size the code
//editor objects to fit the THUMBNAIL window's content
//container. see file: 'code_editor_functions.js'
if (is_code_editor_present("copied_node_" + win_id) === true && is_code_editor_present(win_id) === true) {
show_code_editor("copied_node_" + win_id);
resize_tabs_bar("copied_node_" + win_id);
on_cascade_resize_objects("copied_node_" + win_id);
//temporarily disable the "shrink window content iframes."
async function shrink_any_window_content_iframes(cloned_win_id) {
// ("copied_node_" + win_id + "_contents_container")
var iframe_obj = null;
var iframes = null;
var cloned_win_content = null;
var thumbnail_win_dom_objects = null;
var child_object_count = null;
var child_node = null;
var iframe_body = null;
var i = null;
var iframe_node = null;
var iframe_HTML = null;
var new_iframe_node = null;
//var base_url = null;
cloned_win_content = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_contents_container");
if (cloned_win_content !== null) {
thumbnail_win_dom_objects = cloned_win_content.getElementsByTagName("*");
child_object_count = thumbnail_win_dom_objects.length;
for (i = 0; i < child_object_count;i++) {
child_node = thumbnail_win_dom_objects[i];
if (child_node !== null) {
if (child_node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "iframe") {
iframe_obj = child_node;
iframe_HTML = await get_iframe_data(iframe_obj.src);
new_iframe_node = HTML_to_node(iframe_HTML);
//if (new_iframe_node.hasAttribute("src") === true) {
// new_iframe_node.removeAttribute("src");
////new_iframe_node = new_iframe_node.getElementsByTagName("*");
new_iframe_node.style.zoom = 0.5;
//var doc = document.createElement("html");
//var body = document.createElement("body");
//body.setAttribute("onload", "alert('hello world!');");
//body.addEventListener("load", function () {
// alert("loaded");
//doc.outerHTML = new_iframe_node.innerHTML;
////iframe_obj.outerHTML = "" + new_iframe_node.innerHTML + "";
iframe_obj.outerHTML = new_iframe_node.innerHTML;
//iframe_document = iframe_obj.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; //get the first
tag in the IFrame's document.
////iframe_document = iframe_obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement;
//iframe_document = iframe_obj.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("*")[0];
//console.log("shrinking an iframe within a thumbnail");
//iframe_document.style.zoom = 0.5;
//iframe_document.style.zoom = 0.5;
//iframe_obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement.style.zoom = 0.5;
////iframe_document.style.zoom = 0.5;
////iframe_node = document.importNode(iframe_obj.contentWindow.document.body, true);
////iframe_node.style.zoom = 0.5;
//iframe_document.style.zoom = 0.5;
//iframe_obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement.style.zoom = 0.5;
NOTE: Revised on 2023-08-22:
NOTE: 2023-02-10 2:00PM
Putting this here so I remember it.
It's the example code for getting an
element inside a web page's IFrame, and
importing it into the the current document containing the IFrame
For more information on this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53276239
View the full thread about this topic at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39372886/document-importnode-vs-node-clonenode-real-example
var frame = document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME")[0] //get an IFrame element within your document
var h = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("H1")[0]; //get the first tag in the IFrame's document.
var x = document.importNode(h); //place the element from the IFrame into the current document
function make_new_thumbnail_save_to_DOM_cache(win_id) {
var thumbnail_HTML = null;
thumbnail_HTML = get_thumbnail_outer_HTML(win_id);
show_thumbnail_window_as_cascaded("copied_node_" + win_id + "_is_cached");
cached_thumbnail_icon_eye_td = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
cached_thumbnail_icon_cascade_td = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002");
//remove background from thumbnail icons
//cached_thumbnail_icon_eye_td.setAttribute("id", cached_thumbnail_icon_eye_td.id + "_eye_icon_td");
//cached_thumbnail_icon_cascade_td.setAttribute("id", cached_thumbnail_icon_cascade_td.id + "_cascade_icon_td");
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002");
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
//2023-06-25: This function places the newly made thumbnail into
//the DOM cache so it can quickly load when accessed in the future
save_thumbnail_to_dom("copied_node_" + win_id, thumbnail_HTML);
//2023-06-25: Remember to move this call to a location that is
//This function call doesn't belong here. This function only checks for the
//existence of thumbnails that are cached inside the DOM. It won't work
//for thumbnails in the 'single_thumbnail_container' object.
////thumbnail_expired = is_thumbnail_expired(win_id);
////console.log("Expired: " + thumbnail_expired);
//This sets the cache expiration date on thumbnails that are generated by the
//'single_thumbnail_container' object. Not for DOM cached thumbnails.
set_thumbnail_cache_expiration_date("copied_node_" + win_id, 0);
//this function checks for the presence of thumbnail data that's
//ALREADY CACHED in the DOM. This function doesn't work
//for checking expiration dates on thumbnails that are loaded
//into the 'single_thumber_container' thumbnail container object
function is_thumbnail_expired(win_id) {
var cached_thumbnail_expiration_date = null;
var current_date_in_seconds = null;
//if thumbnail object is stored in cache, check its expiration date
if (thumbnail_is_cached("copied_node_" + win_id) === true) {
cached_thumbnail_expiration_date = get_thumbnail_cache_expiration_date("copied_node_" + win_id);
if (cached_thumbnail_expiration_date !== null) {
if (typeof cached_thumbnail_expiration_date === "number") {
current_date_in_seconds = parseFloat(get_date_in_seconds()); //parseFloat(new Date().getSeconds());
//2023-06-25: Using an alert box to check if the expiration time is correctly
//calculated with the expected numbers. The difference between these two date
//values can be converted from seconds to days by dividing the difference by (24 * 3600).
//alert(((cached_thumbnail_expiration_date - current_date_in_seconds) / (24 * 3600)));
if (current_date_in_seconds >= cached_thumbnail_expiration_date) {
//thumbnail is expired
return true;
else if (current_date_in_seconds < cached_thumbnail_expiration_date) {
//not yet expired
return false;
else {
//invalid, or missing date parameter input.
return null;
//checks to see if thumbnail object is stored in cache (inside the DOM).
//If a valid thumbnail is present in the cache, return true. Otherwise, return false.
//if it's not there return false
function thumbnail_is_cached(thumbnail_id) {
var thumbnail = null;
var is_cached = null;
is_cached = false;
thumbnail = document.getElementById(thumbnail_id);
if (thumbnail !== null) {
if (thumbnail.hasAttribute("id") === true) {
is_cached = true;
return is_cached;
//this function takes a cloned DOM object, and an HTML attribute name as input.
//For all child nodes within a cloned node object, change every HTML node's
//value to something unique.
//This prevents a cloned DOM object from having the same HTML attributes (ID attribute in this case),
//from having conflicts with other existing elements that share the same ID/name/attribute, what not.
function configure_thumbnail_clone_attribute(cloned_window, attribute) {
var node_length = null;
var i = null;
var node_object = null;
var attribute_node = null;
var attr = null;
var all_nodes = null;
attr = attribute;
if (cloned_window !== null) {
cloned_window.setAttribute("id", "copied_node_" + cloned_window.id);
cloned_window.setAttribute("name", "copied_web_window");
all_nodes = get_node_children(cloned_window);
if (all_nodes !== null) {
node_length = all_nodes.length;
for (i = 0; i < node_length; i++) {
node_object = all_nodes[i];
if (node_object.hasAttribute(attr) === true) {
attribute_node = node_object.getAttribute(attr);
if (attribute_node !== null && attribute_node !== "") {
if (attribute_node.indexOf("copied_node_") === -1.0) {
node_object.setAttribute(attr, "copied_node_" + attribute_node);
return cloned_window;
//gets all child nodes that exist within a node object.
//This function returns every child node of a cloned web window
//in the form of an array.
function get_node_children(node_object) {
var all_nodes = null;
if (node_object !== null) {
all_nodes = node_object.getElementsByTagName("*");
return all_nodes;
//gets the outer HTML of a web window's thumbnail object which
//is stored in a 2 dimensional global array.
//If the does not exist in the global array, add it to the array.
//returns the thumbnail outer HTML when complete.
function get_and_save_thumbnail_outerHTML(win_id) {
var thumbnail_HTML = null;
var thumbnail_window_data = null;
var cloned_window = null;
thumbnail_window_data = get_thumbnail_data_from_global_array(win_id);
if (thumbnail_window_data !== null) {
thumbnail_HTML = thumbnail_window_data;
else {
cloned_window = make_web_window_clone(win_id);
if (cloned_window !== null) {
cloned_window = shrink_web_window_clone(cloned_window);
store_thumbnail_in_global_array(cloned_window.outerHTML, "copied_node_" + win_id);
thumbnail_HTML = get_thumbnail_data_from_global_array(win_id);
return thumbnail_HTML;
//when cloning a web window when the web window is minimized,
//it shows up appearing as a minimized web window thumbnail.
//This sets the web window to a cascaded state that may be
//used as a thumbnail of a web window.
function show_thumbnail_window_as_cascaded(thumbnail_win_id) {
var thumbnail = null;
thumbnail = document.getElementById(thumbnail_win_id);
if (thumbnail !== null) {
////thumbnail.childNodes[0].style.height = parseFloat(thumbnail.style.height) + "px";
////thumbnail.childNodes[0].style.width = parseFloat(thumbnail.style.width) + "px";
//commented out the 'left' position setting where it originally resided.
//see function: 'position_thumbnail_to_web_window(win_id)'
thumbnail.style.left = "0";
//this makes the thumbnail's container visible, hence
//making its thumbnail content visible.
function make_thumbnail_visible() {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
//single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "block";
//2023-06-24: Instead of showing the single thumbnail,
//show the parent container instead
single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 1.0;
single_thumbnail_container.style.zIndex = parseFloat(top_zIndex()) + 10000000000;
//when the 'eye' icon (left-most icon in a minimized web window)
//is hovered over, it prevents the corresponding icon background color
//in the corresponding thumbnail object's icon from showing any background color.
//When the 'minimize' icon is hovered over/clicked on, this prevents
//the corresponding thumbnail object's 'minimize' icon from
//having a background color as well.
function remove_bg_color(elem_id) {
var elem = null;
elem = document.getElementById(elem_id);
if (elem !== null) {
elem.style.background = 'none';
//makes a cloned node of a web window that will serve as
//a thumbnail.
function make_web_window_clone(win_id) {
var win = null;
var cloned_window = null;
win = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (win !== null) {
cloned_window = win.cloneNode(true); //clone web window, and inclue its child nodes
//This is a function call which disables the thumbnail from having any ability to
//interact in any way in terms of user interaction.
//See file: 'functions_2.js'
//remove_all_event_listeners_and_event_handlers(document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id));
cloned_window = configure_thumbnail_clone_attribute(cloned_window, "id"); //change the value of the cloned element's HTML ID attribute
//uncomment the following line if further configurations need to be performed on the cloned window.
cloned_window = configure_thumbnail(cloned_window);
//I commented this out just after creating it. Now, the errors
//aren't popping up.
//If thumbnail is showing the code editor, the thumbnail renders
//with the code editor appearing under the thumbnail. Trying
//to fix this by cascading the window immediately after cloning.
return cloned_window;
//this function was written to make configuration changes
//to a cloned web window that may be necessary in the future.
//as of now, it makes no changes to the cloned window.
function configure_thumbnail(cloned_window) {
if (cloned_window !== null) {
//do nothing. If the cloned window needs further configuration,
//then write the configuration code, here.
////cloned_window.childNodes[0].style.height = parseFloat(cloned_window.style.height) + "px";
return cloned_window;
//this takes a full-sized clone of a cascaded web window
//and shrinks it down to thumbnail size.
//2023-07-20: NOTE: I added dropd shadow CSS to thumbnail.
function shrink_web_window_clone(cloned_window) {
var cw = null;
cw = cloned_window;
cw.style.zoom = 0.5;
cw = add_thumbnail_dropshadow(cw);
cw = set_thumbnail_bg_color(cw);
//cw.style.opacity = 0;
//cw = set_thumbnail_CSS_animations(cw);
return cw;
function add_thumbnail_dropshadow(cloned_window) {
//2023-07-20: you can also use the global web window drop shadow variable
//to set the box shadow of the cloned thumbnail window
//cloned_window.style.boxShadow = global_inactive_window_dropshadow;
cloned_window.style.boxShadow = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85) 33px 36px 60px 9px";
return cloned_window;
function set_thumbnail_bg_color(elem) {
if (elem !== null) {
elem.style.background = "rgb(153,153,153)";
return elem;
function set_thumbnail_CSS_animations(elem) {
if (elem !== null) {
most_customizable_config_elem_for_animation(elem.id, "opacity", "0.334", "0.005");
return elem;
//2023-06-21: make a container div that will serve as a top parent
//node which will container all thumbnail elements in the DOM
function get_all_thumbnails_top_container() {
var top_container = null;
top_container = document.getElementById("thumbnail_top_container");
if (top_container !== null) {
return top_container;
else {
top_container = document.createElement("div");
top_container.setAttribute("id", "thumbnail_top_container");
top_container.style.display = "none";
top_container.style.opacity = 0;
top_container.style.zIndex = parseFloat(top_zIndex()) + 1000000000;
return top_container;
//if the thumbnail container object exists, return it.
//if it does not exist, create it, and return it.
function get_single_thumbnail_container() {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
return single_thumbnail_container;
else {
single_thumbnail_container = document.createElement("div");
single_thumbnail_container.setAttribute("id", "single_thumbnail_container");
single_thumbnail_container.style.position = "absolute";
single_thumbnail_container.style.width = "20px";
single_thumbnail_container.style.height = "20px";
single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "block";
single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 1.0;
//adds a visible border to the thumbnail container for testing purposes.
single_thumbnail_container.style.border = "0.5px none rgba(255,0,0,0.00)";
return single_thumbnail_container;
//this makes the thumbnail's parent container hidden, hence
//simultaneously making the thumbnail object hidden.
function hide_single_thumbnail(win_id) {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
//2023-06-24: instead of hiding just the thumbnail,
//hide the entire thumnails top parent node
//single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 0;
single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "none";
single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 0;
//adds CSS style to the minimized window back to its default appearance
//this makes the thumbnail's parent container visible, hence
//simultaneously making the thumbnail object visible.
function show_single_thumbnail(win_id) {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
//2023-06-24: instead of showing just the thumbnail,
//show the entire thumnails top parent node
single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "block";
single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 1.0;
//set the backgrounds of these icons to none
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002");
remove_bg_color("copied_node_" + win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
//adds CSS style to the minimized window when thumbnail is showing
function show_cached_thumbnail(win_id) {
var thumbnail = null;
thumbnail = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_in_DOM_container");
if (thumbnail !== null) {
thumbnail.style.opacity = 1.0;
thumbnail.style.display = "block";
function hide_cached_thumbnail(win_id) {
var thumbnail = null;
thumbnail = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_in_DOM_container");
if (thumbnail !== null) {
thumbnail.style.opacity = 0;
thumbnail.style.display = "none";
function remove_single_thumbnail_container_content() {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
single_thumbnail_container.innerHTML = "";
function remove_single_thumbnail_container() {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
function stylize_for_display_of_thumbnail(win_id) {
var w = null;
//var top_row_object = null;
w = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (w !== null) {
w.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(175,175,175)";
// top_row_obj = document.getElementById(w.id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000");
// if (top_row_object !== null) {
//top_row_object.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(153, 153, 153)"; //default color
// top_row_object.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(138, 138, 138)"; //selected item background color
// }
function display_code_editors_if_present(cloned_win_id) {
var code_editor_container = null;
var win = null;
var developer_panel = null;
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
var thumbnail_top_container = null;
var javascript_iframe = null;
var html_iframe = null;
var css_iframe = null;
var inner_contents_container = null;
var contents_container = null;
var clip_width = null;
clip_width = 6;
thumbnail_top_container = document.getElementById("thumbnail_top_container");
if (thumbnail_top_container !== null) {
thumbnail_top_container.style.display = "block";
thumbnail_top_container.style.opacity = 1.0;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "block";
single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 1.0;
code_editor_container = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_code_editor_container");
if (code_editor_container !== null) {
win = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id);
if (win !== null) {
win.childNodes[1].style.width = parseFloat(win.style.width) + "px";
win.childNodes[1].style.height = parseFloat(win.style.height) + "px";
code_editor_container.style.display = "block";
code_editor_container.style.width = (parseFloat(win.style.width) - clip_width) + "px";
developer_panel = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_developer_panel");
if (developer_panel !== null) {
developer_panel.style.display = "flex";
developer_panel.style.width = (parseFloat(win.style.width) - clip_width) + "px";
inner_contents_container = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_inner_contents_container");
if (inner_contents_container !== null) {
inner_contents_container.style.display = "none";
javascript_iframe = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_javascript");
if (javascript_iframe !== null) {
javascript_iframe.style.width = (parseFloat(win.style.width) - clip_width) + "px";
html_iframe = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_html");
if (html_iframe !== null) {
html_iframe.style.width = (parseFloat(win.style.width) - clip_width) + "px";
css_iframe = document.getElementById(cloned_win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_css");
if (css_iframe !== null) {
css_iframe.style.width = (parseFloat(win.style.width) - clip_width) + "px";
function stylize_for_display_of_default(win_id) {
var w = null;
var top_row_object = null;
w = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (w !== null) {
w.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(153,153,153)";
//top_row_obj = document.getElementById(w.id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0000");
//if (top_row_object !== null) {
// //top_row_object.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(153, 153, 153)"; //default color
// top_row_object.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(153, 153, 153)"; //set bg color back to default value
////this makes the thumbnail's parent container visible, hence
////simultaneously making the thumbnail object itself visible.
//function show_thumbnail(win_id) {
// var single_thumbnail_container = null;
// var is_thumbnail_cached_in_DOM = null;
// var cached_thumbnail = null;
// var is_cached_thumbnail_expired = null;
// cached_thumbnail = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_in_DOM_container");
// if (cached_thumbnail !== null) {
// is_cached_thumbnail_expired = is_thumbnail_expired(win_id);
// if (is_cached_thumbnail_expired === false) {
// //thumbnail exists in DOM, and is NOT expired.
// //get and show cached thumbnail
// }
// else {
// //thumbnail exists in DOM, and is expired
// //get and show newly made thumbnail to replace expired thumbnail
// single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
// if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
// //2023-06-24: instead of showing just the thumbnail,
// //show the entire thumnails top parent node
// show_thumbnail_top_container();
// //single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "block";
// cached_thumbnail.style.opacity = 1.0;
// single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 0;
// }
// }
// }
// else {
// //thumbnail does not exist in DOM cache.
// //make the thumbnail. It does not exist in the DOM cache.
// single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
// if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
// //2023-06-24: instead of showing just the thumbnail,
// //show the entire thumnails top parent node
// show_thumbnail_top_container();
// //single_thumbnail_container.style.display = "block";
// single_thumbnail_container.style.opacity = 1;
// }
// }
//There is a top container which acts as a parent object
//for all thumbnail contents. This function
//makes the top container visible.
function show_thumbnail_top_container() {
var top_container = null;
top_container = document.getElementById("thumbnail_top_container");
if (top_container !== null) {
top_container.style.display = "block";
top_container.style.opacity = 1;
top_container.style.zIndex = parseFloat(top_zIndex()) + 1000000000;
//There is a top container which acts as a parent object
//for all thumbnail contents. This function
//makes the top container invisible.
function hide_thumbnail_top_container() {
var top_container = null;
top_container = document.getElementById("thumbnail_top_container");
if (top_container !== null) {
top_container.style.display = "none";
top_container.style.opacity = 0;
top_container.style.zIndex = parseFloat(top_zIndex()) + 1000000000;
//places the thumbnail to appear just below a minimized web window's
//bottom position when the user moves the mouse cursor
//over the 'eye' icon of a minimized window. When a web window is
//minimized, the burger icon (top left corner of window) changes to the
//eye icon.
function position_thumbnail_to_web_window(win_id) {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
var win = null;
var thumbnail = null;
win = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (win !== null) {
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
thumbnail = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id);
if (thumbnail !== null) {
////single_thumbnail_container.style.top = (parseFloat(window.scrollY) + parseFloat(win.offsetTop) + parseFloat(win.scrollTop) + 29) + "px";
if (parseFloat(get_pixel_ratio()) === 1.25) {
single_thumbnail_container.style.top = (parseFloat(win.offsetTop) + parseFloat(window.scrollY) * (get_pixel_ratio()) + 29) + "px";
else {
single_thumbnail_container.style.top = (parseFloat(win.offsetTop) + parseFloat(window.scrollY) / (get_pixel_ratio()) + 29) + "px";
single_thumbnail_container.style.left = (parseFloat(win.offsetLeft) + 28) + "px";
single_thumbnail_container.style.width = ((parseFloat(thumbnail.style.width) * 0.5) + 3) + "px";
single_thumbnail_container.style.height = ((parseFloat(thumbnail.style.height) * 0.5) + 3) + "px";
thumbnail.style.top = (parseFloat(win.scrollTop)) + "px";
//commenting out the left position code for thumbnail.
//now setting left position at function: 'show_thumbnail_window_as_cascaded(thumbnail_win_id)'
////thumbnail.style.left = (parseFloat(win.offsetLeft)) + "px";
//places the CACHED thumbnail to appear just below a minimized web window's
//bottom position when the user moves the mouse cursor
//over the 'eye' icon of a minimized window. When a web window is
//minimized, the burger icon (top left corner of window) changes to the
//eye icon.
function position_CACHED_thumbnail_to_web_window(win_id) {
var cached_thumbnail_container = null;
var win = null;
var cached_thumbnail = null;
win = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (win !== null) {
//cached_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_in_DOM_container");
cached_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("cached_thumbnails");
if (cached_thumbnail_container !== null) {
cached_thumbnail = document.getElementById("copied_node_" + win_id + "_in_DOM_container");
if (cached_thumbnail !== null) {
cached_thumbnail_container.style.top = (parseFloat(win.offsetTop) + 29) + "px";
cached_thumbnail_container.style.left = (parseFloat(win.offsetLeft) + 28) + "px";
cached_thumbnail_container.style.width = ((parseFloat(cached_thumbnail.style.width) * 0.5) + 3) + "px";
cached_thumbnail_container.style.height = ((parseFloat(cached_thumbnail.style.height) * 0.5) + 0) + "px";
cached_thumbnail.style.top = (parseFloat(win.scrollTop)) + "px";
cached_thumbnail.style.left = (parseFloat(win.offsetLeft)) + "px";
//This function stores the thumbnail's HTML, and its ID attribute,
//into a two dimensional global array. This allows you to get the
//thumbnail HTML by using the ID attribute value of the thumbnail.
function store_thumbnail_in_global_array(thumbnail_data, thumbnail_win_id) {
var array_len = null;
if (global_web_window_thumbnails_array !== null) {
array_len = parseFloat(global_web_window_thumbnails_array.length);
if (array_len > 0) {
global_web_window_thumbnails_array = [[thumbnail_win_id, thumbnail_data]];
else {
global_web_window_thumbnails_array = [[thumbnail_win_id, thumbnail_data]];
else {
global_web_window_thumbnails_array = [[thumbnail_win_id, thumbnail_data]];
array_len = 1;
//console.log(global_web_window_thumbnails_array[array_len - 1].toString());
//retrives the thumbnail outer HTML from a 2 dimensional global array.
//if the the web window's thumbnail HTML is not found
//in the global array, then add it. The function then
//returns the thumbnail HTML text.
function get_thumbnail_data_from_global_array(win_id) {
var thumbnail_win_id = null;
var i = null;
var global_web_window_thumbnails_array_length = null;
var thumbnail_id = null;
var thumbnail_window_data = null;
var thumbnail = null;
var web_window_thumbnails_array_element = null;
thumbnail_win_id = "copied_node_" + win_id;
if (global_web_window_thumbnails_array !== null) {
global_web_window_thumbnails_array_length = parseFloat(global_web_window_thumbnails_array.length);
for (i = 0; i < global_web_window_thumbnails_array_length; i++) {
web_window_thumbnails_array_element = global_web_window_thumbnails_array[i];
thumbnail_id = web_window_thumbnails_array_element[0];
if (thumbnail_id === thumbnail_win_id) {
thumbnail_window_data = web_window_thumbnails_array_element[1];
else {
thumbnail = document.getElementById(thumbnail_win_id);
if (thumbnail !== null) {
store_thumbnail_in_global_array(thumbnail.outerHTML, thumbnail_win_id);
thumbnail_window_data = thumbnail.outerHTML;
else {
return thumbnail_window_data;
//2023-06-26: This function will store the ID attribute values of
//selected thumbnail parent containers, and that of their thumbnail child object.
//This will allow us to designate exclusively one thumbnail and its container object
//to be selected as the active thumbnail element.
function store_selected_thumbnail_object(thumbnail_parent_object_id) {
var thumbnail_top_container = null;
var thumbnail_container_id = null;
var thumbnail_id = null;
var thumbnail_parent = null;
thumbnail_parent = document.getElementById(thumbnail_parent_object_id);
if (thumbnail_parent !== null) {
thumbnail_container_id = thumbnail_parent.getAttribute("id");
if (thumbnail_container_id !== null) {
thumbnail_top_container = document.getElementById("thumbnail_top_container");
if (thumbnail_top_container !== null) {
thumbnail_top_container.setAttribute("data-selected_thumbnail_container_id", thumbnail_parent.getAttribute("id"));
if (thumbnail_parent.hasChildNodes() === true) {
if (thumbnail_parent.childNodes[0] !== null) {
thumbnail_id = thumbnail_parent.childNodes[0].getAttribute("id");
if (thumbnail_id !== null) {
thumbnail_top_container.setAttribute("data-selected_thumbnail_id", thumbnail_id);
//This function's purpose is to retrieve the DOM ID attributes that have been stored
//as the selected/active thumbnail's ID, and the selected/active thumbnail's parent ID.
//It returns a two item string array. Item 0 is the 'thumbnail parent id', and array
//item 1 is the 'thumbnail id'. The 'thumbnail parent id' represents the container
//that holds the thumbnail object as a first and only child object. Use
//document.getElementById("example_id") to manifest these two objects
//that make up the parent and child objects of one single combined object.
function get_selected_thumbnail_objects() {
var thumbnail_id = null;
var thumbnail_parent_id = null;
var thumbnail_top_container = null;
var output_array = [];
thumbnail_top_container = document.getElementById("thumbnail_top_container");
if (thumbnail_top_container !== null) {
if (thumbnail_top_container.hasAttribute("data-selected_thumbnail_container_id") === true) {
if (thumbnail_top_container.hasAttribute("data-selected_thumbnail_id") === true) {
thumbnail_parent_id = thumbnail_top_container.getAttribute("data-selected_thumbnail_container_id");
thumbnail_id = thumbnail_top_container.getAttribute("data-selected_thumbnail_id");
if (thumbnail_parent_id !== null) {
if (thumbnail_id !== null) {
return output_array;
return null;
//function hide_all_thumbnails() {
// hide_all_cached_thumbnails();
function hide_all_cached_thumbnails() {
var thumbnails = [];
var thumbnail_length = null;
var i = null;
var thumbnail = null;
thumbnails = document.getElementsByName("cached_DOM_thumbnails");
if (thumbnails !== null) {
if (Array.isArray(thumbnails) === true) {
thumbnail_length = thumbnails.length;
for (i = 0; i < thumbnail_length; i++) {
thumbnail = thumbnails[i];
thumbnail.style.opacity = 0;
//gets data from any iframe within web window's contents
async function get_iframe_data(url) {
//let d = await fetch(url);
let d = await fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
//"Cache-Control": "no-cache"
//"Set-Cookie": make_sameSite_cookie(),
//"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": ""
//referrerPolicy: "no-referrer-when-downgrade", // no-referrer, origin, same-origin...
//mode: "no-cors", // same-origin, no-cors
//credentials: "same-origin", // omit, include
let t = await d.text();
return t;
//function hide_all_new_thumbnails() {
// var thumbnails = [];
// var thumbnail_length = null;
// var i = null;
// var thumbnail = null;
// thumbnails = document.getElementsByName("copied_web_window");
// if (thumbnails !== null) {
// if (Array.isArray(thumbnails) === true) {
// thumbnail_length = thumbnails.length;
// for (i = 0; i < thumbnail_length; i++) {
// thumbnail = thumbnails[i];
// thumbnail.style.opacity = 0;
// //2023-07-19:
// //hide the entire thumnails top parent node container
// hide_thumbnail_top_container();
// }
// }
// }
//2023-06-24: This currently isn't being used.
//The transparent image that covers over the web window's content
//also exists on thumbnail objects. Because the thumbnail object
//and all of its child node objects have a modified ID attribute value,
//the ui blocker image isn't deleted by the feature that implements it.
//it can't find it as the ID attribute value does not match. It has
//been modified to make it unique as not to interfere with other
//DOM elements that already have a certain ID attribute value.
function delete_thumbnail_ui_block_image(win_id) {
var ui_block_imgs = null;
var ui_block_imgs_len = null;
var i = null;
var img = null;
var contains_win_id = null;
ui_block_imgs = document.getElementsByName("ui_blocking_image");
if (ui_block_imgs !== null) {
ui_block_imgs_len = ui_block_imgs.length;
for (i = 0; i < ui_block_imgs_len; i++) {
img = ui_block_imgs[i];
contains_win_id = img.id.toString.indexOf(win_id);
if (contains_win_id > -1.0) {
//2023-06-22: Not Currently In Use
//This function was written to hide the thumbnail image
//by hiding the CSS overflow, and shrinking the height and width of the
//thumbnail container which obscures the entire thumbnail.
function mask_thumbnail() {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
var i = null;
var thumbnail_width = null;
var thumbnail_height = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
thumbnail_width = parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.offsetWidth);
thumbnail_height = parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.offsetHeight);
single_thumbnail_container.overflow = "hidden";
for (i = thumbnail_width; i >= 0; i--) {
setTimeout(function () {
single_thumbnail_container.style.width = i + "px";
}, (i + 1) * i);
for (i = thumbnail_height; i >= 0; i--) {
setTimeout(function () {
single_thumbnail_container.style.height = i + "px";
}, (i + 1) * i);
//2023-06-22: Not Currently In Use
//This function was written to show the thumbnail image
//by hiding the CSS overflow, and enlarging the height and width of the
//thumbnail container which reveals the entire thumbnail.
function reveal_thumbnail() {
var single_thumbnail_container = null;
var i = null;
var thumbnail_width = null;
var thumbnail_height = null;
single_thumbnail_container = document.getElementById("single_thumbnail_container");
if (single_thumbnail_container !== null) {
thumbnail_width = parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.offsetWidth);
thumbnail_height = parseFloat(single_thumbnail_container.offsetHeight);
single_thumbnail_container.overflow = "hidden";
for (i = 0; i < thumbnail_width;i++) {
setTimeout(function () {
single_thumbnail_container.style.width = i + "px";
}, (i + 1) * i);
for (i = 0; i < thumbnail_height; i++) {
setTimeout(function () {
single_thumbnail_container.style.height = i + "px";
}, (i + 1) * i);
//added a function to handle cascading a minimized thumbnail
//window. The original 'cascade window' function also exists,
//but there are difference. Hence, this function was added.
function cascade_thumbnail_window(win_id) {
var orig_x = null;
var orig_y = null;
var orig_w = null;
var orig_h = null;
var win_state = null;
var win = null;
var parent_minimized_window = null;
reset_css_pixel_ratio(); //IMPORTANT for resetting the pixel ratio. Sets the ratio of CSS and regular pixels to 1:1
win = document.getElementById(win_id);
if (win != null) {
//if we're cascading a thumbnail window,
//we want to get its top and left coordinates
//by getting the X, and Y from the original
//minimized window's X, Y location.
if (win_id.indexOf("copied_node_") > -1.0) {
parent_minimized_window = document.getElementById(win_id.replace("copied_node_", ""));
orig_x = parseFloat(parent_minimized_window.style.left);
orig_y = parseFloat(parent_minimized_window.style.top);
////orig_w = parseFloat(parent_minimized_window.style.width);
////orig_h = parseFloat(parent_minimized_window.style.height);
else {
//Apply default CSS animation to element for
//CSS properties: top, left, width, height, and box-shadow.
//This CSS animation behaves the same way for all CSS properties
//See file: 'window_2.js'
win_state = win.getAttribute("data-window_state");
//If the window is not Cascaded, then it is either
//minimized, or maximized. Cascade the window.
if (win_state !== "Cascade") {
win.style.position = "absolute";
////orig_x = win.getAttribute("data-orig_x");
////orig_y = win.getAttribute("data-orig_y");
orig_w = win.getAttribute("data-orig_w");
orig_h = win.getAttribute("data-orig_h");
////win.style.left = parseFloat(orig_x) + "px";
////win.style.top = parseFloat(orig_y) + "px";
win.style.width = parseFloat(orig_w) + "px";
win.style.height = parseFloat(orig_h) + "px";
win.childNodes[0].style.width = win.style.width;
win.childNodes[0].style.height = win.style.height;
win.childNodes[0].style.width = parseFloat(orig_w) + "px";
win.childNodes[0].style.height = parseFloat(orig_h) + "px";
win.childNodes[0].style.opacity = 1.0;
//These 3 methods resize the code editor (if showing) when the window is Cascaded
win.setAttribute("data-is_minimized", "false");
win.setAttribute("data-is_maximized", "false");
win.setAttribute("data-window_state", "Cascade");
//resize the image that blocks unwanted user interaction
if (is_code_editor_present(win_id) === true) {
on_maximize_resize_code_window(win_id); //if the code editor is visible and present, resize it accordingly
//update_window_details(win_id); //if window details are showing, update them
//Set the web window's 3 upper right icons
//that are used to change the web window's "state" (or display)
//to match the state the web window is in: "cascade", "maximized", "minimized"
//if the web window is not maximized, enable the resize icon in case it's disabled
////minimize_window_main(); ////show/hide minimized window menu scroll box (see minimize_window.js)
//this sets the web window's bg color to default on cascade.
win.style.backgroundColor = global_window_bgColor;
//Upon minimizing a window, its drop shadow is removed.
//Now that the window is considered cascaded, the drop
//shadow can be reset.
win.style.boxShadow = global_inactive_window_dropshadow;
//This resizes the bar object for resizing. In this case,
//we are resizing the bar that provides only X resizing.
//See file 'set_x_resize.js'
//This resizes the bar object for resizing. In this case,
//we are resizing the bar that provides only Y resizing.
//See file 'set_y_resize.js'
//if any windows are displayed in tab mode, set the tabs
//container to visible.