"use strict";
//2023-09-19: NOTE - the 'window_id' argument
//must be in the format of ("text_text_16DigitString").
//typically, an example created by default might be something
//like this: "window_0015_1048576878897556"
async function make_new_window(window_id, L, T, W, H, title, content_id, do_reload = false) {
//name all web windows as "web_window"
var cid = null;
var tbl_obj = null;
var win_obj = null;
var desktop = null;
var unique_id = null;
var desc_text = null;
var date_obj = null;
var date_serial = null;
var win_id = null;
var timestamp = null;
var blocking_layer = null;
var num_instance = null;
var add_instance = null;
var script_addr = null;
var window_script = null;
var win_script = null;
var script = null;
var script_exists = null;
var css_obj = null;
var css_container = null;
var script_container = null;
var duplicate_win_exists = null;
var create_new_win_instance = null;
var create_new_win = null;
var overwrite_current_win = null;
var win_title = null;
var preexisting_cid = null;
var is_duplicate_window_attribute = null;
var duplicate_win_id = null;
var window_count = null;
var current_win_state = null;
var is_window_reload = null;
var i = null;
var is_tabbed = null;
duplicate_win_exists = false;
cid = Math.abs(parseFloat(content_id));
preexisting_cid = cid;
if (typeof cid === "number" && cid >= 0) {
cid = cid.toString();
else {
i = 0;
do {
cid = await make_unique_id(16);
//cid = 1000000000000000;
//set a default value and load the
//actual id later.each javascript
//generated unique id is a
//"1,000,000,000,000,000" x
//random value;
if (i > 100) {
} while (unique_id_generated_already_exists(cid) === true);
i = 0;
do {
//until there is a unique id generated by the
//web server, repeat choosing unique ids until
//a unique id number is returned.
cid = await get_db_uniqueID("16", "15", "2");
if (i > 100) {
} while (unique_id_generated_already_exists(cid) === true);
The win_id variable must be in the format of ("text_text_16DigitString"), or
something like ("text-more-text_text-and-more-text_16DigitString.3414") works too,
because the string's value still has 3 parts, each separated by an underscore character ("_").
Don't input any underscore characters.
if (window_id == null || typeof window_id != "string" || window_id == "" || window_id == undefined) {
win_id = make_id(cid);
else {
win_id = window_id.toString();
win_title = title;
//if duplicate window exists (has the same content_id (number: 16 digits), not win_id)
//allow user to open a duplicate window, or let them choose to bring the existing
//window to the front
//passing an optional argument into the function which
//sets a boolean flag which determines if we want to
//reload the current window, not duplicate or create a new one.
if (do_reload === true) {
is_duplicate_window_attribute = ["data-is_duplicate_window", "false"];
do_reload = false; //set the reload option for the window to fale to prevent
//it from reloading the window as an infinited loop.
is_window_reload = true; //set a boolean flag indicating if this is a new
//window, or a reloading window.
//div_content = make_new_div_content_container(win_id);
document.getElementById(win_id).style.opacity = 0.0;
do_reload = false;
//document.getElementById(win_id).childNodes[0].style.opacity = 1.0;
//document.getElementById(win_id).style.opacity = 0.0;
else if (do_reload === false) {
is_window_reload = false; //set a boolean flag indicating if this is a new
//window, or a reloading window.
duplicate_win_exists = duplicate_window_exists(win_id);
if (duplicate_win_exists === true) {
//2023-09-19: disabling the duplicate window feature for now.
//New bugs take place due to the development / modification of a new feature.
//to enable this feature, comment the two lines below.
create_new_win_instance = confirm("This window is already open. \nDo you want to create a new duplicate instance?");
if (create_new_win_instance === true) {
//open a duplicate window
window_count = parseInt(number_of_windows());
win_title = title + " (Duplicate Window " + window_count.toString() + ")";
is_duplicate_window_attribute = ["data-is_duplicate_window", "true"];
//Modify the win_id string to inclue a dash-delimited string value
//to indicate that it is a duplicate window.
duplicate_win_id = win_id.split("_")[0] + "-duplicate-" + make_unique_id(10).toString();
win_id = duplicate_win_id + "_" + win_id.split("_")[1] + "_" + win_id.split("_")[2];
else if (create_new_win_instance === false) {
//bring the existing opened window to
//top of the window stack(z-index is set
//to top window z-index + 1)
else //no window with that content id is open
is_duplicate_window_attribute = ["data-is_duplicate_window", "false"];
//End: 'do_reload' conditional block
desktop = document.getElementById("desktop");
win_obj = document.createElement("div");
win_obj.innerHTML = "";
tbl_obj = make_table_interface(win_id, cid);
win_obj.style.position = "absolute";
win_obj.style.marginTop = "0";
win_obj.style.top = "0";
win_obj.style.left = "auto";
win_obj.style.width = "auto";
win_obj.style.height = "auto";
win_obj.style.paddingBottom = global_window_padding_bottom;
win_obj.style.paddingTop = global_window_padding_top;
win_obj.style.paddingRight = global_window_padding_right;
win_obj.style.paddingLeft = global_window_padding_left;
win_obj.style.borderRadius = global_window_corner_radius;
win_obj.style.borderStyle = global_window_border_style;
win_obj.style.borderWidth = global_window_border_width;
win_obj.style.borderColor = global_window_border_color;
win_obj.style.borderBottomColor = global_window_bottom_border_color;
win_obj.style.borderRightColor = global_window_right_border_color;
win_obj.style.borderTopColor = global_window_top_border_color;
win_obj.style.borderTopStyle = "solid";
win_obj.style.borderLeftColor = global_window_left_border_color;
//win_obj.style.opacity = global_window_outer_opacity;
//win_obj.childNodes[0].style.opacity = global_window_inner_opacity;
win_obj.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
//win_obj.className = "box"; //this box blurs the background
//win_obj.setAttribute("class", "box");
//win_obj.style.filter = "blur(2px)";
win_obj.setAttribute("data-desc_text", win_title);
if (global_test_mode === true) {
tbl_obj.setAttribute("border", "1");
else {
tbl_obj.setAttribute("border", "0");
if (desktop !== null) {
if (window_currently_exists(win_id) !== true) {
//win_obj.style.width = "1px";
//win_obj.style.height = "1px";
win_obj.setAttribute("name", "web_window");
win_obj.setAttribute("id", win_id);
//sets an attribute telling us if it is a duplicate window or not.
win_obj.setAttribute(is_duplicate_window_attribute[0], is_duplicate_window_attribute[1]);
//check the state of the window
//(e.g. cascaded, minimized, maximized, unknown).
//if the window already exists and is reloading,
//then don't set the window's HTML attributes for
//its current state. The attributes should already exist.
//if the window is being created for the first time, set its
//default window state to cascaded ("Cascade").
//See file 'window_2.js'
current_win_state = get_current_window_state(win_id);
if (current_win_state === "unknown") {
win_obj.setAttribute("data-window_state", "Cascade");
win_obj.setAttribute("data-is_minimized", "false");
win_obj.setAttribute("data-is_maximized", "false");
//if the window is being created, and not opened, and not duplicated,
//then set its "data-is_tabbed" = false. By default, newly created
//windows are in a "Cascade" state. If a window is opened, or duplicated
//then the "data-is_tabbed" attribute may already be set. Check
//to see if the attribute exists.
if (win_obj.hasAttribute("data-is_tabbed") === true) {
is_tabbed = win_obj.getAttribute("data-is_tabbed");
if (is_tabbed === "false" || is_tabbed === false) {
//continue. make no changes
else if (is_tabbed === "true" || is_tabbed === true) {
//continue. make no changes
else {
//the attribute exists, but does not have a valid
//value. It is neither "true", or "false". Set the
//default attribute value to "false"
win_obj.setAttribute("data-is_tabbed", "false");
else {
//the attribute does not exist. Set the attribute to the
//window with a default value of "false".
win_obj.setAttribute("data-is_tabbed", "false");
win_obj.style.zIndex = get_top_window_z_index() + 1;
//win_obj.style.backgroundColor = "#838381";
win_obj.style.backgroundColor = global_window_bgColor;
//Experimenting with the web window background image, and its X,Y offset
win_obj.style.backgroundImage = "url('/chromosphere/images/ui/backgrounds/steel_gradient.png')";
win_obj.style.backgroundPositionX = parseFloat(parseFloat(win_obj.style.left) * -1.0) + "px";
win_obj.style.backgroundPositionY = parseFloat(parseFloat(win_obj.style.top) * -1.0) + "px";
//win_obj.style.backgroundColor = "#b1b1af";
//win_obj.childNodes[0].style.filter = "blur(6px)";
win_obj.style.opacity = global_window_opacity;
//document.getElementById(win_obj.id).childNodes[0].style.opacity = 1.0;
win_obj.style.position = "absolute";
win_obj.style.display = "block";
tbl_obj.style.width = "inherit";
tbl_obj.style.height = "inherit";
tbl_obj.style.position = "relative";
if (is_window_reload === false && current_win_state === "unknown" || is_window_reload === false && current_win_state === "cascaded") {
//set the window object's Left, Top, Width, and Height
win_obj = set_window_top_left_width_height(win_obj, L, T, W, H);
//this places a transparent image over the window which prevents
//any unwanted user interaction.
// win_obj.style.backgroundImage = "url(/chromosphere/images/desktop_backgrounds/window_bg_aluminum.png)";
win_obj.addEventListener("mousedown", function (event) {
//set all windows' zIndex property in order. tabbed windows are set
//with the lowest zIndex. cascaded windows are set next. minimized
//windows are set next. finally, the maximized window(s) are set.
//see file: 'window_2.js'
if (is_window_tabbed(win_obj.id)) {
//do nothing since the window is tabbed.
else {
//set all windows' zIndex property in order. tabbed windows are set
//with the lowest zIndex. cascaded windows are set next. minimized
//windows are set next. finally, the maximized window(s) are set.
//see file: 'window_2.js'
//for each open window that is displaying the 'window details' menu,
//update the details in the details menu.
//see file: 'show_window_details.js'.
//storing the last 'mousedown' window's id attribute
//in a global variable. see file: 'window_2.js'
////global_last_window_mousedown_id = win_obj.id;
//set all windows' zIndex property in order. tabbed windows are set
//with the lowest zIndex. cascaded windows are set next. minimized
//windows are set next. finally, the maximized window(s) are set.
//see file: 'window_2.js'
////invoke_mouse_event(win_obj.id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000", "mousedown", event);
////invoke_mouse_event(win_obj.id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000", "mouseup", event);
////invoke_mouse_event(win_obj.id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000", "mouseclick", event);
////invoke_mouse_event(win_obj.id + "_block_window_content_container_img", "mousedown", event);
////invoke_mouse_event(win_obj.id + "_block_window_content_container_img", "mouseup", event);
////invoke_mouse_event(win_obj.id + "_block_window_content_container_img", "mouseclick", event);
//IMPORTANT: be sure to keep these event methods commented
//out so that they won't impede upon the javascript/html/css
//code editors' textarea functionality. Enabling/uncommenting
//these event methods will cause problems in disallowing
//any interaction with these textarea boxes for the user.
//Keep this in place as a reminder!
win_obj.addEventListener("mouseup", function () {
//for each open window that is displaying the 'window details' menu,
//update the details in the details menu.
//see file: 'show_window_details.js'.
//set all windows' zIndex property in order. tabbed windows are set
//with the lowest zIndex. cascaded windows are set next. minimized
//windows are set next. finally, the maximized window(s) are set.
//see file: 'window_2.js'
win_obj.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
//do nothing
win_obj.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () {
//var mouse_entered = null;
//mouse_entered = win_obj.id;
//2023-07-19: Trying to set the CSS animation properties of the window
//within the 'create_window' script doesn't work unless the window is opened
//using a setTimeout/delay. This is a redundant function call to make sure
//the window's CSS animation properties are set, and set properly.
//set the window's CSS animation parameters.
//for each open window that is displaying the 'window details' menu,
//update the details in the details menu.
//see file: 'show_window_details.js'.
win_obj.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
//custom synthetic event that is fired when the web window
//has finished loading its content.
//see file: 'win_to_win_comms.js'
//see file: 'create_window.js'
//see file: 'window.js'
win_obj.addEventListener("loadwebwindow", function () {
////set_win_title(win_obj.id, "Testing a 'write to window' feature");
////write_to_window(win_obj.id, ("
Data Has Been Written to Window " + parseFloat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 900000) + 100000).toString() + "
"), false);
//testing a feature that writes data to a web window based
//on its ID attribute value.
set_win_title(win_obj.id, "Testing a new 'write-to-window' feature");
write_to_window(win_obj.id, ("Data Has Been Written to Window " + parseFloat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 900000) + 100000).toString() + "
"), false);
//call this function to reload the javascript
//element belonging to this web window.
//see file: 'reload_window.js'
//see file: 'functions_3.js'
/*setTimeout(function () {
//this function reloads the HTML code editor iframe if it exists
//to accurately reflect changes in the code on the server so that
//it matches the HTML code editor iframe window.
//see file: 'control_panel_html.js'
}, 600);*/
//this function call sets a "do NOT reload"
//flag in the designated window. Once the do
//reload flag has been set to false, then
//the window reloads its content from the
//server. see file: 'reload_window.js'
do_reload = false;
//add a data attribute to the window object setting the 'do reload'
//flag to false, so the window doesn't reload in an infinite loop.
win_obj.setAttribute("data-do_reload", do_reload);
//win_obj.addEventListener("drag", function () {
// // alert("drag");
win_obj.setAttribute("onmousedown", "set_active_window('" + win_id + "');move_to_front('" + win_id + "');");
win_obj.setAttribute("onmouseup", "deactivate_global_active_window();");
win_obj.setAttribute("onclick", "void(0);");
win_obj.setAttribute("onmouseover", "set_animation_event_listeners('" + win_id + "');");
change_title(win_obj.id, win_title);
set_window_status(win_obj.id, "Opening window...");
date_obj = new Date(Date.now());
date_serial = date_obj.getTime();
date_serial = date_serial.toString();
//this attribute value is temporary. It will sync with info from
//the database upon saving this window.
unique_id = make_unique_id(16).toString() + "." + make_unique_id(16).toString(); //window_id.content_id
win_obj.setAttribute("data-content_id", cid);
win_obj.setAttribute("data-querystring_id", cid); // win_id.split("_")[2]);
win_obj.setAttribute("data-unique_id", unique_id);
timestamp = time_stamp();
win_obj.setAttribute("data-timestamp_loaded", timestamp);
//win_obj.style.opacity = 0.0;
//get the Javascript for the window and
//append it into the *BODY* element,
//not the *HEAD* element.
script = place_JS_data(win_id, cid); //returns the Javascript object for the window
script_container = make_JS_container(); //make the js container, or return the existing
script_container.appendChild(script); //append the script to the script container (container is appended to the body when it is created)
//get the CSS for the window and
//append it to the *HEAD* element,
//not inside the *BODY*!
css_obj = place_CSS_data(win_id, cid); //returns css for the window
css_container = make_css_container(); //if container doesn't exist, make it (container is appended to the head automatically when it is created)
css_container.appendChild(css_obj); //append the css object to the container
//console.log("Window '" + win_id + "' is loaded.");
//move_up(win_obj.id, 31, 4, 10, 1);
//win_obj.setAttribute("class", "box");
//win_obj.style.backdropFilter = "blur(10px)";
//win_obj.style.webkitBackdropFilter = "blur(10px)";
//win_obj.style.backdropFilter = "blur(10px)";
//fade the window in
win_obj.style.opacity = 0.0;
////quick_fade_in(win_obj.id); //this function is located in the functions_2.js file
//document.getElementById(win_obj.id).childNodes[0].style.opacity = 1.0;
setTimeout(function () {
quick_fade_in(win_obj.id); //this function is located in the functions_2.js file
}, 300);
//set the default shadow to values of 0, not "none"
win_obj.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0 0 rgba(0,0,0, 0.0)";
//set the window's CSS animation parameters.
win_obj.style.boxShadow = global_inactive_window_dropshadow;
//win_obj.style.zoom = "80%";
//Each window has its own HTML attribute indicating if it needs to be save or not.
//By default, set it to unsaved ("false", or false). If the window is flagged to
//be saved, then save it. See file 'save_entire_window.js'
////if (is_window_saved(win_obj.id) !== "true" && is_window_saved(win_obj.id) !== true) {
//wait for a few milliseconds to call save function.
//This gives the window contents time to load before saving.
////setTimeout(function () {
////}, 100);
//set an attribute into this window's html telling
//us that this window needs to be saved.
//After setting the flag to unsaved, call
//the save function.
//sets an attribute to the window object indicating that it is a thumbnail object.
//see file 'thumbnail_functions.js'.
//This function places x resize, and y resize
//bars onto the window. See file 'resize_windiw.js'
//set CSS animations for the WINDOW object, and
//remove animations from the table object. This prevents
//the window interface from lagging during resize/move actions
//testing 2 new functions in file: 'animations.js'.
//both functions appear to be working correctly.
//one function adds a CSS property to the element for animation,
//and the other function removes a property from an element's
//animated properties. elements are passed as arguments as objects.
//add/remove properties is a string with one of more comma delimited
//CSS properties. single properties to be added, or removed don't
//require a comma.
////add_css_animation_property(win_obj, "box-shadow");
////add_css_animation_property(win_obj, "padding");
////remove_css_animation_property(win_obj, "padding");
//set_element_animation_duration(win_obj, 3.5);
//set_element_animation_duration(win_obj, "3.5s");
//set_element_animation_delay(win_obj, 3.5);
//set_element_animation_delay(win_obj, "3.5s");
//set the CSS animation for the window's box shadow.
//This function sets an event listener for onmouseenter
//for the window to animate the window shadow.
//set an attribute in the window's HTML specifying
//the default value of resize window to resize
//both width (x), and height (y).
//See file: 'resize_window`.js'
set_win_resize_xy_attribute(win_obj.id, "xy");
//set the window to cascade by default
////win_obj.style.opacity = global_window_outer_opacity;
////win_obj.childNodes[0].style.opacity = global_window_inner_opacity;
//Keep this! Place a window tab into the row of window tabs.
//see file 'tab_windows.js'.
//this function copies the cascade icon table cell
//of the window, and clones it. It configures the
//cloned node into a new icon, and inserts it into the
//window's table as a 'more windows actions' icon.
//set an HTML attribute inside the window's HTML
//indicating whether it is currently the 'global_active_window'.
//defaults to "false"
//see file: 'show_window_details.js'.
win_obj.setAttribute("data-is_global_active_window", "false");
//set the touchscreen event listeners to the title bar
//of the window object. These event listeners allow for
//using touch screen events to move the window's X,Y
//location. the touchscreen events are mapped
//to their corresponding synthetic mouse events.
//see file: 'ui_touch_functions.js'
//add event listeners to the web window's title bar element
//add event listeners to the web window's resize elements
//this function sets an HTML attribute in the window
//indicates whether the window's code editor is showing
//or not. the code editor is not shown by default, so it
//is set to false initially.
//see file: 'code_editor_functions.js'
set_code_editor_visible_attribute(win_obj.id, false);
return win_obj;
function number_of_windows() {
var num_windows = null;
num_windows = get_number_windows();
return num_windows;
function number_of_scripts() {
var num_scripts = null;
var scripts_name = null;
var scripts = null;
scripts_name = "web_window_script";
scripts = document.getElementsByName(scripts_name);
num_scripts = scripts.length.toString();
return num_scripts;
function make_table_interface(win_id, unique_id) {
var tbl = null;
var return_table = null;
var options_icon = null;
var minimize_icon = null;
var maximize_icon = null;
var close_icon = null;
var resize_icon = null;
var title_text = null;
var window_status_div = null;
var content_id = null;
var win_obj = null;
var tr_0000 = null;
var tr_0001 = null;
var tr_0002 = null;
var td_0000 = null;
var td_0001 = null;
var td_0002 = null;
var td_0003 = null;
var td_0004 = null;
var td_0005 = null;
var td_0006 = null;
var td_0007 = null;
var div_content = null;
var i = null;
content_id = unique_id.toString();
win_obj = document.getElementById(win_id);
tbl = return_new_elem("table", win_id, "_tbl_0000");
////tbl.setAttribute("border", "1");
tr_0000 = return_new_elem("tr", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0000");
tr_0000.setAttribute("height", "19");
tr_0000.style.overflow = "hidden";
td_0000 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0000");
td_0000.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
td_0000.setAttribute("width", "19");
td_0000.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0000.style.maxHeight = "19px";
options_icon = create_options_icon(win_id);
options_icon.style.opacity = global_icon_opacity;
td_0001 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0001");
td_0001.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0001.style.maxHeight = "19px";
td_0001.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
title_text = create_title_txt(win_id);
title_text.setAttribute("id", (win_id.toString() + "_window_title"));
title_text.setAttribute("data-desc_text", title_text.innerText + " ");
title_text.style.paddingRight = "30px";
title_text.style.overflow = "hidden";
title_text.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
title_text.style.color = global_window_title_color;
td_0001.style.overflow = "hidden";
td_0002 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, ("_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0002"));
td_0002.setAttribute("width", "19");
td_0002.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0002.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
td_0002.style.maxHeight = "19px";
minimize_icon = create_minimize_icon(win_id);
minimize_icon.style.opacity = global_icon_opacity;
td_0003 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0003");
td_0003.setAttribute("width", "19");
td_0003.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0003.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
td_0003.style.maxHeight = "19px";
maximize_icon = create_maximize_icon(win_id);
maximize_icon.style.opacity = global_icon_opacity;
td_0004 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0000_td_0004");
td_0004.setAttribute("width", "19");
td_0004.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0004.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
td_0004.style.maxHeight = "19px";
close_icon = create_close_icon(win_id);
close_icon.style.opacity = global_icon_opacity;
tr_0001 = return_new_elem("tr", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0001");
tr_0001.setAttribute("id", (win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001"));
tr_0001.setAttribute("height", "100%");
td_0005 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000");
td_0005.setAttribute("colspan", "5");
td_0005.setAttribute("align", "left");
td_0005.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
//Adding a name attribute to the content table cell.
td_0005.setAttribute("name", "window_content_table_cell");
td_0005.style.userSelect = "auto";
//adding an event listener for testing
td_0005.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
////console.log("Mouse is Over Contents Cell: " + td_0005.id);
td_0005.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
////console.log("Mouse Has Exited Contents Cell: " + td_0005.id);
div_content = make_new_div_content_container(win_id);
//div_content = return_new_elem("div", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000_div_0000");
////div_content.style.backgroundColor = "#3f3f3f";
////div_content.style.backgroundColor = "#6a6a6a";
////div_content.style.backgroundColor = "#b9b9b8";
//div_content.style.backgroundColor = global_window_content_bgColor;
//div_content.style.width = "99.8%";
//div_content.style.height = "99.9%";
//div_content.style.borderStyle = global_window_contents_container_border_style;
//div_content.style.borderWidth = global_window_contents_container_border_width;
////div_content.style.borderWidth = "0.5px";
////div_content.style.borderStyle = "solid";
////div_content.style.borderTopColor = "#333333";
////div_content.style.borderLeftColor = "#11111";
////div_content.style.borderRightColor = "#bbbbbb";
////div_content.style.borderBottomColor = "#cccccc";
//div_content.style.borderTopColor = global_window_contents_container_border_top_color;
//div_content.style.borderLeftColor = global_window_contents_container_border_left_color;
//div_content.style.borderRightColor = global_window_contents_container_border_right_color;
//div_content.style.borderBottomColor = global_window_contents_container_border_bottom_color;
//div_content.style.opacity = global_window_opacity;
////div_content.style.opacity = 0.0;
//div_content.setAttribute("data-window_id", win_id);
//div_content.setAttribute("name", "contents_div");
//////div_content.innerHTML = "";
////call a function that places the web window's default content.
////itas a single pixel image that when it loads, it begins the
////process of loading window content
//div_content.innerHTML = "" + content_id + "
No Data
//div_content.style.boxShadow = global_window_innerShadow;
//div_content.style.borderRadius = global_window_contents_container_border_radius;
////div_content.style.backgroundImage = "url(/chromosphere/images/desktop_backgrounds/content_bg_steel.png)";
//div_content.addEventListener("mousemove", function ()
// //console.log("MOUSEOVER");
// if (global_mouseover_content == true)
// {
// //do nothing
// }
// else
// {
// global_mouseover_content = true;
// }
//div_content.addEventListener("mouseover", function ()
// //console.log("MOUSEOVER");
// if (global_mouseover_content == true)
// {
// //do nothing
// }
// else
// {
// global_mouseover_content = true;
// }
// div_content.addEventListener("mouseout", function ()
// {
// //console.log("MOUSEOUT");
// global_mouseover_content = false;
tr_0002 = return_new_elem("tr", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0002");
tr_0002.setAttribute("id", (win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0002"));
tr_0002.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0006 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0002_td_0000");
td_0006.setAttribute("colspan", "4");
td_0006.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
td_0006.style.maxHeight = "19px";
td_0006.style.overflow = "visible";
window_status_div = return_new_elem("div", win_id, "_window_status");
//when the user double-clicks their mouse on the window's buttom
//status bar to view the window as tabbed.
//see file: 'tab_windows.js'.
window_status_div.setAttribute("style", "white-space:nowrap;max-height:19px;height:19px;overflow:visible;cursor:default;text-shadow:" + global_window_status_text_shadow + ";font-size:11pt;color:" + global_window_status_color + ";font-family:Arial,Verdana;padding:3px;opacity:1.0;");
window_status_div.setAttribute("data-title", "Window Status");
/* The status isn't set until after the window loads; we can't set its inner text at this point*/
//window_status_div.setAttribute("data-desc", window_status_div.innerText);
td_0007 = return_new_elem("td", win_id, "_tbl_0000_tr_0002_td_0001");
td_0007.setAttribute("height", "19");
td_0007.setAttribute("width", "19");
td_0007.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";
td_0007.style.maxHeight = "19px";
resize_icon = create_resize_icon(win_id);
resize_icon.style.opacity = global_icon_opacity;
td_0000.style.overflow = "hidden";
////td_0000.style.clip = "rect(0 19px 19px 0)";
//td_0001.style.overflow = "hidden";
//td_0001.style.clip = "rect(0, 19px, 19px, 0)";
td_0002.style.overflow = "hidden";
////td_0002.style.clip = "rect(0 19px 19px 0)";
td_0003.style.overflow = "hidden";
////td_0003.style.clip = "rect(0 19px 19px 0)";
td_0004.style.overflow = "hidden";
////td_0004.style.clip = "rect(0 19px 19px 0)";
//td_0005.style.overflow = "hidden";
//td_0005.style.clip = "rect(0, 19px, 19px, 0)";
td_0006.style.overflow = "hidden";
//td_0006.style.clip = "rect(0, 19px, 19px, 0)";
td_0007.style.overflow = "hidden";
//td_0007.style.clip = "rect(0 19px 19px 0)";
td_0000.style.paddingTop = "4px";
td_0000.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
//td_0001.style.paddingTop = "4px";
//td_0001.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
td_0002.style.paddingTop = "4px";
td_0002.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
td_0003.style.paddingTop = "4px";
td_0003.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
td_0004.style.paddingTop = "4px";
td_0004.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
//td_0005.style.paddingTop = "4px";
//td_0005.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
//td_0006.style.paddingTop = "4px";
//td_0006.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
td_0007.style.paddingTop = "4px";
td_0007.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
options_icon = options_icon_add_event_listeners(td_0000, win_id);
minimize_icon = minimize_icon_add_event_listeners(td_0002, win_id);
maximize_icon = maximize_icon_add_event_listeners(td_0003, win_id);
close_icon = close_icon_add_event_listeners(td_0004, win_id);
resize_icon = resize_icon_add_event_listeners(td_0007, win_id);
//prevent GUI objects from being selected or dragged while allowing the web window content to be interacted with
//################# for helper captions functions ######################
* IMPORTANT: Some helper caption functions also exist in file named helper_captions.js
td_0000.setAttribute("data-title", "Details");
td_0001.setAttribute("data-title", "Title ");
td_0002.setAttribute("data-title", "Minimize");
td_0003.setAttribute("data-title", "Maximize");
td_0004.setAttribute("data-title", "Close");
td_0006.setAttribute("data-title", "Status");
td_0007.setAttribute("data-title", "Resize");
td_0000.setAttribute("data-desc", "view the details of this window");
td_0001.setAttribute("data-desc", "click to move this window");
td_0002.setAttribute("data-desc", "get this window out of the way");
td_0003.setAttribute("data-desc", "make this window the maximum size");
td_0004.setAttribute("data-desc", "close this window");
td_0006.setAttribute("data-desc", td_0006.innerText);
td_0007.setAttribute("data-desc", "change the size of this window");
options_icon.setAttribute("data-title", "Details");
minimize_icon.setAttribute("data-title", "Minimize");
maximize_icon.setAttribute("data-title", "Maximize");
close_icon.setAttribute("data-title", "Close");
resize_icon.setAttribute("data-title", "Resize");
options_icon.setAttribute("data-desc", "view the details of this window");
minimize_icon.setAttribute("data-desc", "get this window out of the way");
maximize_icon.setAttribute("data-desc", "make this window the maximum size");
close_icon.setAttribute("data-desc", "close this window");
resize_icon.setAttribute("data-desc", "change the size of this window");
var elem = null;
var elem_array = [];
elem_array[0] = td_0000;
elem_array[1] = td_0001;
elem_array[2] = td_0002;
elem_array[3] = td_0003;
elem_array[4] = td_0004;
elem_array[5] = td_0005;
elem_array[6] = td_0006;
elem_array[7] = td_0007;
elem_array[8] = options_icon;
elem_array[9] = minimize_icon;
elem_array[10] = maximize_icon;
elem_array[11] = close_icon;
elem_array[12] = resize_icon;
var pixel_ratio = null; //to place the box in the proper position based on page zoom
//pixel_ratio = get_inverse_pixel_ratio(parseFloat(get_pixel_ratio())); //get CSS to window pixel ratio
for (i = 0; i < elem_array.length; i++) {
if (i === 5) {
elem = elem_array[i];
elem.addEventListener("mousemove", function (event) {
//if the title and description values are string objects, and
//have a length greater than 0, then continue. otherwise,
//the captions box would display as empty.
if (typeof elem.getAttribute("data-title") === "string" && elem.getAttribute("data-title").length > 0) {
else {
return; //exit function
if (typeof elem.getAttribute("data-desc") === "string" && elem.getAttribute("data-desc").length > 0) {
else {
return; //exit function
move_caption_box(this, event); //function is located in the file helper_captions_[X].js
//var box = document.getElementById("helper_caption_box");
//if (box !== null) {
// box.style.display = "block";
// box.style.opacity = 1.0;
// pixel_ratio = get_inverse_pixel_ratio(get_pixel_ratio());
// if (pixel_ratio !== 0.8) {
// pixel_ratio = 1 - pixel_ratio;
// box.style.top = (event.clientY - (event.clientY * pixel_ratio) - 2) + "px";
// box.style.left = (event.clientX - (event.clientX * pixel_ratio) - 24) + "px"; }
// else {
// box.style.top = ((event.clientY / pixel_ratio) - 2) + "px";
// box.style.left = ((event.clientX / pixel_ratio) - 24) + "px";
// }
// box.innerHTML = "" + this.getAttribute("data-title") + "
" + this.getAttribute("data-desc");
//else {
// make_caption_box();
// //return;
elem.addEventListener("mousedown", function () {
var box = document.getElementById("helper_caption_box");
if (box !== null) {
box.style.opacity = 0.0;
box.style.display = "none";
elem.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
var box = document.getElementById("helper_caption_box");
if (box !== null) {
box.style.opacity = 0.0;
box.style.display = "none";
//################# END helper captions functions ######################
return tbl;