"use strict"; function init_code_editor(win_id) { var code_editor_displayed = null; var options_displayed = null; // If the options menu is displayed options_displayed = options_menu_showing(win_id); if (options_displayed) { remove_details_menu(win_id); } //// If the code editor is displayed code_editor_displayed = is_code_editor_showing(win_id); if (code_editor_displayed) { cancel_code_editor(win_id); } } function start_text_code_editor(win_id) { init_code_editor(win_id); start_javascript_code_editor(win_id, "javascript"); start_html_code_editor(win_id, "html"); start_css_code_editor(win_id, "css"); hide_all_object_controls(win_id); //show the javascript code editor by default. show_javascript_editor_controls(win_id, "javascript"); set_code_editor_visible_attribute(win_id, true); //if the code editor is present in the window, //then show the code editor, and size the code //editor objects to fit the window's content //container. see file: 'code_editor_functions.js' if (is_code_editor_present(win_id) === true) { show_code_editor(win_id); resize_tabs_bar(win_id); on_cascade_resize_objects(win_id); }; } function cancel_code_editor(win_id) { var is_showing = null; var window_contents_div = null; is_showing = is_code_editor_showing(win_id); if (is_showing) { remove_code_editor(win_id); show_contents_container(win_id); window_contents_div = document.getElementById((win_id + "_inner_contents_container")); window_contents_div.style.display = "block"; set_code_editor_visible_attribute(win_id, false); } } function remove_code_editor(win_id) { var code_editor = null; var window_contents_div = null; var code_editor_is_displayed = null; var orig_contents = null; code_editor_is_displayed = is_code_editor_showing(win_id); code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); orig_contents = document.getElementById(win_id + "_inner_contents_container"); if (code_editor_is_displayed === true) { code_editor.parentNode.removeChild(code_editor); code_editor = null; window_contents_div = document.getElementById((win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000_div_0000")); window_contents_div.style.display = "block"; show_contents_container(win_id); if (orig_contents !== null) { orig_contents.style.display = "block"; } } } function hide_all_object_controls(win_id) { hide_javascript_editor_controls(win_id, "javascript"); hide_html_editor_controls(win_id, "html"); hide_css_editor_controls(win_id, "css"); } function hide_javascript_editor_controls(win_id, code_editor_type = "javascript") { var editor_type = null; var code_editor_iframe = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } code_editor_iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (code_editor_iframe !== null) { code_editor_iframe.style.display = "none"; set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, false, editor_type); } } function hide_html_editor_controls(win_id, code_editor_type = "html") { var editor_type = null; var code_editor_iframe = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } code_editor_iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (code_editor_iframe !== null) { code_editor_iframe.style.display = "none"; set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, false, editor_type); } } function hide_css_editor_controls(win_id, code_editor_type = "css") { var editor_type = null; var code_editor_iframe = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } code_editor_iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (code_editor_iframe !== null) { code_editor_iframe.style.display = "none"; set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, false, editor_type); } } function show_javascript_editor_controls(win_id, code_editor_type = "javascript") { var editor_type = null; var code_editor_iframe = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } code_editor_iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (code_editor_iframe !== null) { code_editor_iframe.style.display = "block"; set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, true, editor_type); } } function show_html_editor_controls(win_id, code_editor_type = "html") { var editor_type = null; var code_editor_iframe = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } code_editor_iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (code_editor_iframe !== null) { code_editor_iframe.style.display = "block"; set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, true, editor_type); } } function show_css_editor_controls(win_id, code_editor_type = "css") { var editor_type = null; var code_editor_iframe = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } code_editor_iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (code_editor_iframe !== null) { code_editor_iframe.style.display = "block"; set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, true, editor_type); } } //this function may have 0 references, but it is //used in an inline HTML attribute event handler //in another HTML element function resize_objects(o, p) { var objects = o; var parent = p; objects.style.width = (parent.offsetWidth - 38) + "px"; objects.style.height = (parent.offsetHeight - 98) + "px"; } /* function resize_menu_bar(win_id) { var m = null; m = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_menu"); if (m !== null) { m.style.width = (document.getElementById(win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000_div_0000").offsetWidth - 7) + "px"; } } */ function resize_tabs_bar(win_id) { var tb = null; var container = null; tb = document.getElementById(win_id + "_developer_panel"); container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000_div_0000"); if (tb !== null && container !== null) { tb.style.width = (parseFloat(container.offsetWidth)) + "px"; tb.style.borderTopRightRadius = "6px"; //tb.style.width = (parseFloat(container.offsetWidth) - 1) + "px"; //tb.style.width = (parseFloat(container.offsetWidth) - 40) + "px"; } } /* function make_code_editor_controls_menu_bar(win_id) { var m = null; m = document.createElement("div"); m.setAttribute("id", win_id + "_code_editor_menu"); m.style.position = "absolute"; m.style.display = "block"; m.style.height = "32px"; m.style.width = (document.getElementById(win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000_div_0000").offsetWidth - 7) + "px"; m.style.top = "32px"; m.style.left = "0"; m.style.padding = "0"; m.style.margin = "0"; m.style.backgroundColor = "#002"; m.style.opacity = 1.0; m.style.maxHeight = "32px"; return m; } */ //this function may not have any references, //but it is called in an inline event listener //attribute embedded within the exit code button function exit_code_editor(win_id) { cancel_code_editor(win_id); } function set_code_editor_container_width(win_id) { var code_container = null; var width = null; var parent_container = null; var parent_container_width = null; code_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_container !== null) { parent_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_contents_container"); if (parent_container !== null) { parent_container_width = parseFloat(parent_container.style.width); if (!isNaN(parent_container_width) === true) { code_container.style.width = parent_container_width + "px"; } } } return width; } function set_code_editor_container_height(win_id) { var code_container = null; var height = null; var parent_container = null; var parent_container_height = null; code_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_container !== null) { parent_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_contents_container"); if (parent_container !== null) { parent_container_height = parseFloat(parent_container.style.height); if (!isNaN(parent_container_height) === true) { code_container.style.height = parent_container_height + "px"; } } } return height; } function get_dev_panel_width(win_id) { var code_container = null; var width = null; code_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_container !== null) { width = parseFloat(code_container.style.width); } return width; } function get_dev_panel_height(win_id) { var code_container = null; var height = null; code_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_container !== null) { height = parseFloat(code_container.style.height); } return height; } function get_code_editor_iframe_offset_top(win_id) { var tabs_container = null; ////var menu_container = null; ////var menu_height = null; var tabs_height = null; var offset_top = null; var border_bottom_width = null; ////menu_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_menu"); ////if (menu_container !== null) { //// menu_height = parseFloat(menu_container.style.height); ////} tabs_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_developer_panel"); if (tabs_container !== null) { tabs_height = parseFloat(tabs_container.style.height); } border_bottom_width = document.getElementById(win_id + "_developer_panel"); if (border_bottom_width !== null) { border_bottom_width = parseFloat(tabs_container.style.borderBottomWidth); if (!isNaN(border_bottom_width) === true) { } else { border_bottom_width = 0; } } else { border_bottom_width = 0; } if (!isNaN(tabs_height) === true && !isNaN(border_bottom_width) === true) { offset_top = parseFloat(tabs_height + border_bottom_width); } return offset_top; } function get_code_editor_iframe_avail_height(win_id) { var code_editor_height = null; var code_editor_offset_top = null; var iframe_avail_height = null; code_editor_offset_top = parseFloat(get_code_editor_iframe_offset_top(win_id)); if (!isNaN(code_editor_offset_top) === true) { code_editor_height = get_dev_panel_height(win_id); if (!isNaN(code_editor_height) === true) { iframe_avail_height = parseFloat(code_editor_height - code_editor_offset_top); } } return iframe_avail_height; } function on_resize_adjust_iframe_size(win_id, code_editor_type = "javascript") { var iframe = null; var editor_type = null; var iframe_top = null; var iframe_height = null; var iframe_width = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (iframe !== null) { iframe_top = get_code_editor_iframe_offset_top(win_id); iframe_height = get_code_editor_iframe_avail_height(win_id); iframe_width = get_dev_panel_width(win_id); iframe.style.top = iframe_top + "px"; iframe.style.height = iframe_height + "px"; iframe.style.width = iframe_width + "px"; } } function on_maximize_resize_code_window(win_id, delay = 300) { var cont_obj = null; var editor_type = null; var win = null; var tbl = null; var content_td = null; var contents_container = null; var code_editor_container = null; var code_editor_iframes = null; var iframe = null; var iframes_count = null; var i = null; var developer_panel = null; var developer_panel_height = null; developer_panel = document.getElementById(win_id + "_developer_panel"); if (developer_panel !== null) { developer_panel_height = parseFloat(developer_panel.offsetHeight); } else { developer_panel_height = 0.0; } //editor_type = code_editor_type; //if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { // return; //} //if (cont_obj !== null) { // set_code_editor_container_width(win_id); // set_code_editor_container_height(win_id); ////resize_menu_bar(win_id); resize_tabs_bar(win_id); // on_resize_adjust_iframe_size(win_id, editor_type); //} setTimeout(function () { win = document.getElementById(win_id); if (win !== null) { tbl = win.childNodes[0]; if (tbl !== null) { win.style.width = (parseFloat(win.offsetWidth) - 10) + "px"; win.style.height = (parseFloat(win.offsetHeight)) + "px"; tbl.style.width = (parseFloat(win.offsetWidth) - 10) + "px"; tbl.style.height = (parseFloat(win.offsetHeight)) + "px"; content_td = document.getElementById(win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000"); cont_obj = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (cont_obj !== null) { cont_obj.style.width = (parseFloat(content_td.offsetWidth)) + "px"; cont_obj.style.height = (parseFloat(content_td.offsetHeight)) + "px"; } contents_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_contents_container"); if (contents_container !== null) { contents_container.style.width = (parseFloat(content_td.offsetWidth)) + "px"; contents_container.style.height = (parseFloat(content_td.offsetHeight)) + "px"; } if (cont_obj !== null) { if (cont_obj.hasChildNodes() === true) { code_editor_iframes = cont_obj.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); if (code_editor_iframes !== null) { if (code_editor_iframes.length > 0) { iframes_count = code_editor_iframes.length; for (i = 0; i < iframes_count; i++) { iframe = code_editor_iframes[i]; if (iframe !== null) { iframe.style.width = (parseFloat(content_td.clientWidth)) + "px"; iframe.style.height = (parseFloat(content_td.offsetHeight) - (developer_panel_height)) + "px"; } } } } } } } } ////set_code_editor_container_width(win_id); ////set_code_editor_container_height(win_id); ////resize_tabs_bar(win_id); }, delay); } function on_cascade_resize_objects(win_id) { var cont_obj = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); ////var editor_type = null; ////editor_type = code_editor_type; ////if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { //// return; ////} if (cont_obj !== null) { set_code_editor_container_width(win_id); set_code_editor_container_height(win_id); ////resize_menu_bar(win_id); resize_tabs_bar(win_id); on_resize_adjust_iframe_size(win_id, "javascript"); on_resize_adjust_iframe_size(win_id, "html"); on_resize_adjust_iframe_size(win_id, "css"); } } function is_code_editor_showing(win_id) { var code_editor = null; code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_editor !== null && typeof (code_editor) === "object") { if (code_editor.style.display === "block") { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function show_code_editor(win_id) { var code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); var window_contents_div = null; if (code_editor !== null) { code_editor.style.display = "block"; window_contents_div = document.getElementById((win_id + "_inner_contents_container")); window_contents_div.style.display = "none"; } } //Keep this! this function may not have any references showing, but it is //called by a different javascript other than this one. function hide_code_editor(win_id) { var code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); var window_contents_div = null; if (code_editor !== null) { code_editor.style.display = "none"; show_contents_container(win_id); window_contents_div = document.getElementById((win_id + "_inner_contents_container")); window_contents_div.style.display = "block"; } } function is_code_editor_present(win_id) { var code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_editor !== null) { return true; } else { return false; } } function hide_code_editor_on_minimize(win_id) { var code_editor_exists = null; var is_code_editor_displayed = null; code_editor_exists = is_code_editor_present(win_id); if (code_editor_exists === true) { is_code_editor_displayed = is_code_editor_showing(win_id); if (is_code_editor_displayed === true) { hide_code_editor(win_id); } } } function show_code_editor_minimize_to_cascade(win_id) { var code_editor_exists = null; var is_code_editor_displayed = null; code_editor_exists = is_code_editor_present(win_id); if (code_editor_exists === true) { is_code_editor_displayed = is_code_editor_showing(win_id); if (is_code_editor_displayed === true) { } else { show_code_editor(win_id); } } } function is_code_editor_type_valid(code_editor_type) { var editor_type = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (editor_type !== null) { if (typeof (editor_type) === "string") { if (editor_type.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function set_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, is_visible = true, code_editor_type = "javascript") { var iframe = null; var editor_type = null; var visible = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } visible = is_visible; if (visible === true || visible === false) { } else if (visible === "true" || visible === "false") { } else { return; } iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (iframe !== null) { iframe.setAttribute("data-is_visible", visible.toString()); } return visible; } function get_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, code_editor_type = "javascript") { var iframe = null; var editor_type = null; var visible = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } iframe = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_iframe_" + editor_type); if (iframe !== null) { if (iframe.hasAttribute("data-is_visible") === true) { visible = iframe.getAttribute("data-is_visible"); if (visible === "true" || visible === true) { visible = true; } else if (visible === "false" || visible === false) { visible = false; } else { console.log("See file: 'code_editor_functions.js'"); console.log(" function name: 'get_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, code_editor_type)' "); console.log("Note: the 'data-is_visible' HTML attribute for the iframe "); console.log("doesn't return a true or false value. The attribute may need to be set."); } } } return visible; } //gets the type of code editor iframe that is currently visible //inside the window. function get_visible_code_editor_type(win_id) { var is_javascript_iframe_visible = null; var is_html_iframe_visible = null; var is_css_iframe_visible = null; var editor_type = null; is_javascript_iframe_visible = get_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, "javascript"); is_html_iframe_visible = get_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, "html"); is_css_iframe_visible = get_code_editor_iframe_is_visible_attribute(win_id, "css"); if (is_javascript_iframe_visible === "true" || is_javascript_iframe_visible === true) { editor_type = "javascript"; } else if (is_html_iframe_visible === "true" || is_html_iframe_visible === true) { editor_type = "html"; } else if (is_css_iframe_visible === "true" || is_css_iframe_visible === true) { editor_type = "css"; } return editor_type; } function hide_window_content_for_code_editor(win_id) { var window_contents_div = null; window_contents_div = document.getElementById((win_id + "_inner_contents_container")); if (window_contents_div !== null) { window_contents_div.style.display = "none"; } } function place_embedded_code_editor_panel(win_id, code_editor_type = "javascript") { var parent_cell_id = null; var parent_cell_obj = null; var parent_obj = null; var objects_and_stuff = null; var editor_type = null; editor_type = code_editor_type; if (!is_code_editor_type_valid(editor_type)) { return; } parent_cell_id = win_id + "_contents_container"; parent_cell_obj = document.getElementById(parent_cell_id); parent_obj = parent_cell_obj; objects_and_stuff = make_code_editor_panel_new(win_id); if (objects_and_stuff !== null) { if (parent_obj !== null) { parent_obj.appendChild(objects_and_stuff); ////start_code_editor_https(win_id, editor_type); } } } function make_code_editor_panel_new(win_id) { var header_tab_obj = null; var code_editor_container = null; code_editor_container = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); if (code_editor_container !== null) { } else { code_editor_container = document.createElement("div"); code_editor_container.setAttribute("id", win_id + "_code_editor_container"); code_editor_container.style.position = "absolute"; code_editor_container.style.left = "auto"; code_editor_container.style.top = "auto"; code_editor_container.style.height = "auto"; code_editor_container.style.width = "auto"; code_editor_container.style.padding = "0"; code_editor_container.style.margin = "0"; code_editor_container.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = "6px"; code_editor_container.style.borderBottomRightRadius = "6px"; code_editor_container.style.display = "block"; code_editor_container.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(0,0,51)"; } header_tab_obj = document.getElementById(win_id + "_developer_panel"); if (header_tab_obj !== null) { } else { header_tab_obj = start_dev_panel(win_id); //look for this function in file: 'dev_panel.js'. if (code_editor_container.hasChildNodes() === true) { code_editor_container.insertBefore(header_tab_obj, code_editor_container.childNodes[0]); } else { code_editor_container.appendChild(header_tab_obj); } } return code_editor_container; } function set_code_editor_visible_attribute(win_id, true_or_false) { var win = null; win = document.getElementById(win_id); if (win !== null) { if (true_or_false === true || true_or_false === false) { win.setAttribute("data-code_editor_showing", true_or_false); } } } function get_code_editor_visible_attribute(win_id) { var win = null; var is_code_editor_visible = null; win = document.getElementById(win_id); if (win !== null) { is_code_editor_visible = win.getAttribute("data-code_editor_showing"); if (is_code_editor_visible === true || is_code_editor_visible === "true") { return true; } else if (is_code_editor_visible === false || is_code_editor_visible === "false") { return false; } } } function set_existing_code_editor_size_to_window_size(win_id) { //if the code editor is present in the window, //then show the code editor, and size the code //editor objects to fit the window's content //container. see file: 'code_editor_functions.js' if (is_code_editor_present(win_id) === true) { show_code_editor(win_id); resize_tabs_bar(win_id); on_cascade_resize_objects(win_id); } } //function remove_code_editor(win_id) { // var code_editor = null; // var window_contents_div = null; // var code_editor_is_displayed = null; // var orig_contents = null; // code_editor_is_displayed = is_code_editor_showing(win_id); // code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); // orig_contents = document.getElementById(win_id + "_inner_contents_container"); // if (code_editor_is_displayed === true) { // code_editor.parentNode.removeChild(code_editor); // code_editor = null; // window_contents_div = document.getElementById((win_id + "_tbl_0000_tr_0001_td_0000_div_0000")); // window_contents_div.style.display = "block"; // show_contents_container(win_id); // if (orig_contents !== null) { // orig_contents.style.display = "block"; // } // } //} //function is_code_editor_showing(win_id) { // var code_editor = null; // code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); // if (code_editor !== null && typeof (code_editor) === "object") { // return true; // } // else { // return false; // } //} //function is_code_editor_hidden(win_id) { // var code_editor = null; // code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); // if (code_editor !== null && typeof (code_editor) === "object") { // if (code_editor.style.display === "none") { // return true; // } // else { // return false; // } // } // else { // return false; // } //} //function hide_code_editor(win_id) { // var code_editor = null; // code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); // if (code_editor !== null && typeof (code_editor) === "object") { // code_editor.style.display = "none"; // } //} ////function show_code_editor(win_id) { //// var code_editor = null; //// code_editor = document.getElementById(win_id + "_code_editor_container"); //// if (code_editor !== null && typeof (code_editor) === "object") { //// code_editor.style.display = "block"; //// } ////} //function make_generic_code_editor_controls(win_id) { // var controls_table = null; // var control_tr_0000 = null; // var control_td_0000 = null; // var control_td_0001 = null; // var control_td_0002 = null; // var control_td_padding_left = null; // var control_td_width = null; // var control_td_max_width = null; // var control_td_height = null; // var control_td_max_height = null; // var control_td_padding = null; // var controls_table_height = null; // var controls_table_max_height = null; // var controls_table_margin = null; // control_td_padding = 3; // control_td_padding_left = 3; // control_td_width = 23 + control_td_padding_left + control_td_padding; // control_td_max_width = control_td_width; // control_td_height = 23 + (control_td_padding * 2); // control_td_max_height = control_td_height; // controls_table_margin = 0; // controls_table_height = 28 + (control_td_padding * 2) + (controls_table_margin * 2); // controls_table_max_height = controls_table_height; // controls_table = document.createElement("table"); // controls_table.setAttribute("id", win_id + "_code_editor_container_table"); 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